Cover of Making a Difference Summer 2024 Magazine - Olmstead - A Look Throughout the Years

Olmstead: A Look Through the Years

Current Feature Stories

Community Champions: Elite Squad Works to Change Perspectives on People with Disabilities

There are many aspects to consider when it comes to being a champion for the disability community...     Read More

Reflecting on 25 Years of the Olmstead Decision

June 22, 1999, marks a pivotal moment in the history of disability rights in the United States—th...     Read More


Viewpoint: The Olmstead Decision Celebrates 25th Anniversary

By D'Arcy Robb
July 8, 2024
What were you doing in 1999? I graduated from high school. Interestingly, Georgia self-advocates Lois Curtis and Elaine Wilson were making history.  You may or may not know their stories. Lois and Elaine both had disabilities. They spent years cycling

Viewpoint: Our Advocacy is Growing and Making a Difference

By D'Arcy Robb
April 16, 2024
As I sit down to write this, I’m feeling raw. We just wrapped up Georgia’s General Assembly session, and it was a real mix of wins and losses. Win – the developmental disability (DD) rate study. All summer, fall, and

Viewpoint: Gaining Momentum

By D'Arcy Robb
January 8, 2024
At the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD), we are always driven by our overarching values, and specifically by our public policy agenda. As we gear up to head into another legislative session in 2024, I want to take time

Georgia State University’s IDEAL Rewrites the Narrative of The College Experience

By Anna Freeman
July 9, 2024
Established in 2016 at the Center for Leadership in Disability within Georgia State University’s (GSU) School of Public Health, the Inclusive Digital Expression and Literacy (IDEAL) program was founded to provide students with intellectual disabilities (ID) the same academic, social,
Include College Corner

Advocacy Day at the State Capitol Brings IPSE Students to the Spotlight

By Jacob Segura
April 16, 2024
On January 24, 2024, the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) hosted its annual Inclusive Post-Secondary Education (IPSE) Advocacy Day at the Georgia State Capitol. The event serves as an opportunity for students with intellectual disabilities (ID) to advocate to

Georgia Tech Program Prepares Students to EXCEL at Work

By Jacob Segura
January 8, 2024
Navigating the world of employment after school is often daunting, and for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD), this is particularly true. An inclusive post-secondary education (IPSE) program at Georgia Institute of Technology is striving to provide students with

Advocacy in Georgia Heats Up in the Summer!

By Uniting for Change Collective Leadership Team
July 9, 2024
Uniting for Change self-advocates will continue their work during the summer months this year. Many will work hard to advocate for voting rights for the disability community in Georgia.  Uniting for Change will also be represented throughout Georgia by getting
Self-Advocacy Spotlight

Self-Advocates Speak at the Capitol During GCDD’s Legislative Advocacy Days

By Uniting for Change Collective Leadership Team
April 16, 2024
The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) hosted its annual Advocacy Days at the Capitol during the 2024 legislative session, which began in January. Using the power of self-advocates from Uniting for Change, GCDD was able to educate and inform

Uniting for Change Prepares to Advocate for Change in 2024

By Uniting for Change Collective Leadership Team
January 8, 2024
In November, Uniting for Change held a State and Area Leadership Collective retreat in Macon with 80 people attending. During this retreat, we set priorities for 2024 within each workgroup of the four Local Area Networks, and as the Statewide

Election Season Officially Underway!

By Charlie Miller
July 8, 2024
Hello Advocates! How in the world are you doing? We have officially celebrated our nation’s 248th birthday. The hamburgers are cooked, and fireworks have gone off, and now it is time to get ready to do one of the most
Public Policy for the People

Nothing About Us Without Us: A Recap of Georgia’s 2024 Legislative Session

By Ryan Shindler
April 16, 2024
The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities’ (GCDD) public policy team has made tireless efforts to foster new relationships and educate legislators on the need for policy change that promotes opportunities for Georgians with developmental disabilities (DD) to live, learn, work,

Public Policy for The People: GCDD’s Vision for Georgia’s Disability Community in the 2024 Legislative Session

By Charlotte Densmore
January 8, 2024
Hello! My name is Charlotte Densmore. I joined the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) as the Public Policy Director in August 2023. My involvement in disability advocacy originated from my work as a mentor with the EXCEL (Expanding Career,

Telehealth Survey Reveals Improvement Measures Needed for Georgia’s Disability Community to Access Health Care Services

By Jacob Segura
January 8, 2024
With the expansion of telehealth and similar methods of virtual care, many people, particularly people with disabilities, may have questions about the efficacy and availability of telehealth. A study at the Morehouse School of Medicine’s (MSM) National Center of Primary

Emergency Preparedness Grant Supports Listening Sessions Across Georgia

By Mara Waldruff
September 28, 2023
Life can change in an instant. From a loved one falling ill, to a natural disaster in your hometown, to a pandemic shutting down the world, emergencies can strike any time, any place and anyone. And, when it comes to people with disabilities, medical, situational and mental health emergencies can be even more critical and difficult to navigate. For example, a person who uses a wheelchair is more likely to experience a crisis if a building’s elevator breaks down, such as Naomi Williams’ son, Noah, who uses a wheelchair. He also has significant medical needs and requires full-time support, so a broken elevator can cause a dangerous situation for him and his caregivers.

WheelChariot Strives to Improve Businesses’ Accessibility and Services

By Gunter Schroeder
July 12, 2023
With the rise of online reviews through websites like Yelp! and Google, WheelChariot, an online platform based in Atlanta, Georgia is getting in on the trend to help the disability community by providing business reviews based on accessibility.

Expert Update: Advancing Employment to End Subminimum Wages

By Jacob Segura
July 9, 2024
In the life of a person with disabilities, few skills are as essential to success as the ability to advocate. One must learn to ask for basic needs and standards of care; in some cases, they must advocate for larger
Expert Update

The Importance of Self-Advocacy During the IEP Process

By Jacob Segura
April 16, 2024
For children with disabilities, school can be a stressful and overwhelming time. The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) sat down with Leslie Lipson, an attorney and director of the Georgia Coalition for Equity in Education, to discuss how students,

Expert Update: In Their Own Words

January 8, 2024
As the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) gets ready to advocate at the 2024 Legislative Session, we wanted to share the expertise of the people with developmental disabilities across Georgia on what they have and what they need to

Building an Advocacy Network

By Mara Waldruff
July 12, 2023
“There is such beautiful potential,” said Teresa Heard as she looked proudly at her son, Derek Heard. Teresa had recently helped Derek start his own graphic design business. “It's just getting the doors open to get people to realize a person's potential,” she added.

Practical Examples of Supported Decision-Making

By GCDD and John McCarty & Hannah Hibben
April 17, 2023
Supported decision-making (SDM) is a tool that allows people with disabilities to retain their decision-making capacity by choosing supporters to help them make choices. A person using SDM selects trusted advisors, such as friends, family members, or professionals, to serve as supporters. Self-advocates John McCarty and Hannah Hibben share their experience of how Supported Decision Making impacts their life and why it's important.

A Greater Sense of Independence

By Adrianne Murchison
January 9, 2022
Living Independently is an article series by the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD). The series will cover self-determination and self-direction. Participant self-directed services are growing in popularity as an avenue that can offer an increased autonomy for some individuals

A Desire for Independence

By Adrianne Murchison
October 13, 2021
Living Independently is an article series by the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD). The series will cover self-determination and self-direction. Jenny Pryor lives an active life working in a Kroger supermarket, hiking on her off days or sometimes catching

Closing the Gap: How One Organization is Empowering Georgians with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities with Inclusive Technology

By Anna Freeman
July 9, 2024
Mark Friedman, Ph. D., and Ruther-Marie Beckwith, Ph. D., of Blue Fire Inc., a grantee of the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD), have recently done extensive research through the Georgia Technology White Paper with two objectives: to identify the
G is for Georgia - GCDD Virtual Road Tour

GCDD’s Equitable Dinners “A Seat at the Table” Event Provides a Transformative Conversation Around Equity, Disability and Support During the 2024 Legislative Session

By Maria Pinkelton
April 16, 2024
The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) Equitable Dinner event, “A Seat at the Table: A Transformative Conversation Around Equity, Disability and Support” attracted capacity crowds for in-person and virtual sessions this past February. Presented by GCDD, Equitable Dinners, L’Arche

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